I don’t know about you but mint chocolate chip ice cream takes me back to my childhood going to the ice cream parlor in the summertime. It’s cooling comfort food that everyone loves! Now you can enjoy it in a whole new way with these mint chocolate chip cupcakes!
With the way the world is right now and everyone doing their part by staying home to keep the spread of Covid-19 down, it’s important to take the time and de-stress. Baking has been shown to be a great stress relief so I’ve been baking and cooking up a storm here and finding new ways to use leftovers and store the extra food that I make. Usually, when I make desserts I give a lot of them away to friends and coworkers but right now that is not an option. These cupcakes freeze well for later and are an easy dessert for that weeknight that you don’t feel like cooking. See how at the end of the recipe.